Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Friday, 27 October 2017
Millennials Vincent (Lucas Till) and Victoria (Kiersey Clemons), meet "accidentally" on Halloween night and find themselves, along with Ichabod the dog, at a mysterious hotel located at 777 Jackson Street called This Place Hotel. Once inside, Vincent and Victoria are sent on an unexpected, magical adventure of personal discovery, culminating in a spectacular dance finale featuring an animated Michael Jackson.
Thursday, 26 October 2017
Based on the German Urban Legend of Frau Perchta, the Christmas Witch, who takes a child each night over the 12 days of Christmas. For the 12 days before the Christmas of 1921, children went missing near the local towns woods. A traumatized girl was found, but her mind had gone - she later died of her horrific injuries. Just before the Christmas of 1992, a further five children disappeared again. Their bodies were found in the same woods. Angry and seeking vengeance, the locals hung a woman they believed to be the killer. But before dying, she cursed the town that one day the Christmas Witch, Frau Perchta, would come for them to avenge her death. 25 years later, the story has become little more than a local myth. But as children start to go missing again, everyone begins to wonder if the tales of a curse might be true. This Christmas it's not only the children that are in danger, it's the adults too.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Rini (Tara Basro) tinggal di pinggiran kota Jakarta di sebuah rumah tua milik neneknya, Rahma Saidah (Elly D. Luthan), bersama ibunya, Mawarni Suwono (Ayu Laksmi), bapaknya (Bront Palarae), dan ketiga adik laki-lakinya, Tony (Endy Arfian), Bondi (Nasar Annuz), dan Ian (M. Adhiyat). Kisah dibuka dengan masalah finansial keluarga mereka yang kehabisan uang untuk biaya pengobatan sakit sang ibu. Penyakit yang begitu parah membuat Mawarni tak mampu menggerakkan tubuhnya dan hanya berbaring di tempat tidur. Untuk memanggil dan meminta bantuan, Mawarni harus membunyikan lonceng.
Berbagai upaya dilakukan keluarga Rini untuk mendapatkan uang tambahan, termasuk berhenti kuliah dan meminta royalti milik Mawarni yang sempat berkarier di dunia tarik suara (terkenal dengan lagunya, 'Kelam Malam'), sebelum akhirnya jatuh sakit selama tiga setengah tahun tanpa diketahui penyebabnya. Namun, karirnya sudah lama redup sehingga sudah tidak menghasilkan royalti lagi. Tony pun rela menjual sepeda motor dan barang pribadi lainnya demi menolong keluarganya. Upaya keluarga untuk membuat sang ibu sembuh dari penyakitnya gagal setelah Rini menemukan sang ibu terjatuh di lantai kamarnya dan menghembuskan nafas terakhir.
Di pemakaman Mawarni, keluarga Rini pun dikenalkan dengan seorang Ustad (Arswendi Nasution) dan putranya, Hendra (Dimas Aditya), yang mencoba turut membantu mereka di masa berkabung. Dengan kematian Mawarni, bapaknya pun pergi ke kota untuk menggadai rumah mereka. Kematian Mawarni ternyata jadi awal dari teror di rumah keluarga Rini--mereka didatangi oleh sosok yang menyerupai sang mendiang ibu. Nenek pun ditemukan meninggal dunia oleh Bondi, tenggelam di sumur. Di kamar nenek, Rini menemukan sepucuk surat yang ditujukan ke Budiman Syailendra (Egy Fedly), dan Rini pun pergi mengantarkan surat itu ke rusun tempat tinggal Budiman bersama Hendra. Budiman memberi tahu Rini bahwa ia adalah kawan neneknya dulu dan ia menceritakan bahwa dulu neneknya tidak menyetujui pernikahan orangtua Rini karena Mawarni adalah seorang seniman dan tidak bisa mempunyai anak. Karena itu, Mawarni pun dikatakan telah mengikuti sebuah sekte pemuja setan demi mendapatkan keturunan.
Sementara itu, Bondi, yang shock sehabis menemukan mayat neneknya di dalam sumur, mulai berlaku seakan akan kerasukan dan hendak menyakiti adiknya, Ian, setelah Ian dihantui oleh arwah neneknya (yang ia lihat menghampiri Bondi dan mencoba menangkapnya dengan berpura pura bermain petak umpet). Tony, yang membaca majalah Maya pemberian Budiman yang memiliki artikel mengenai pengabdi setan, membicarakan mengenai hubungan ibu mereka dengan sekte pengabdi setan dan kemungkinan adik mereka, Ian, akan diambil oleh sekte tersebut setelah berumur 7 tahun, namun Rini tidak menggubrisnya. Setelah mengalami beberapa kejadian menyeramkan, mereka pun memanggil sang Ustad untuk memeriksa rumah mereka, dan mereka pun dinasihati untuk lebih banyak beribadah. Malam itu, saat Rini salat, ia diteror oleh hantu Mawarni, yang mengakibatkan Rini dan adik-adiknya berlari ke rumah sang Ustad, yang merencanakan sebuah pengajian di rumah mereka esok hari.
Hendra pun pergi ke rusun Budiman setelah Budiman meneleponnya dan memberikannya artikel yang ia tulis sebagai koreksi artikel sebelumnya. Di perjalanan pulang, seseorang membuat Hendra oleng dari motornya hingga ia terlindas truk. Jenazah Hendra pun dibawa pulang oleh warga sekitar dan Rini pun menemukan artikel yang ia bawa. Malam itu, Rini melihat penampakan Hendra di luar rumah sang Ustad dan ia pun nyaris ditarik keluar selagi sang Ustad memperhatikan dengan rasa takut dan menyerah karena anaknya telah meninggal akibat ikut campur dengan urusan keluarga Rini. Bapak mereka pun datang dan membawa mereka pulang, dan kemudian menangis saat diberi tahu bahwa ibunya telah meninggal akibat tenggelam di sumur.
Saat Rini hendak mengkonfrontasi bapaknya mengenai pembicaraan orangtuanya di malam Mawarni meninggal, Ian, yang sedang buang air kecil dekat sumur, ditarik oleh arwah nenek ke dalam sumur. Bapaknya pun menyelamatkan Ian selagi rumah mengalami poltergeist yang diakibatkan neneknya dan rumah dikepung oleh para pengabdi setan yang menebar biji saga di pekarangan rumah. Rini, Tony, dan bapaknya pun terkunci di lorong tangga selagi sang bapak memohon ampun ke ibunya dan istrinya. Setelah Bondi menyelamatkan Ian dan menggagalkan usaha nenek (yang juga membuatnya tidak kerasukan lagi), para pengabdi setan pun pergi dan rumah pun tenang kembali.
Keesokan paginya, keluarga Rini sudah siap untuk pindah ke rusun dan menunggu mobil untuk menjemput mereka, namun tidak ada yang menjemput mereka sampai petang dan sang Ustad pun datang untuk meminta maaf bahwa ia tidak bisa membantu mereka dan menemani mereka untuk menunggu mobil, sekalian menunggu ulang tahun Ian yang ke-7 di tengah malam. Saat tengah malam sampai, Rini pun terbangun dan mengingat artikel Budiman yang dibawa Hendra dan menceritakannya ke Tony. Selagi mereka berbincang, Bapak digentayangi oleh Mawarni dan Bondi menemukan Ian berbicara bahasa asing sambil melihat ke jendela (padahal sebelumnya ia bisu). Rini, Tony, Bondi, dan bapak mereka pun bersembunyi di kamar nenek dan akhirnya mereka tahu bahwa mayat mayat hidup dari pemakaman telah bangkit, dan keluarga Rini pun menemukan sang Ustad sudah wafat telah ditusuk dan Ian berjalan ke kerumunan mayat hidup bersama Mawarni.
Para mayat hidup mengepung rumah dan masuk melalui pintu dapur, yang kemudian ditahan oleh arwah neneknya, yang ternyata selama ini telah mencoba untuk menjaga mereka dengan mencoba membunuh Ian. Budiman pun sampai dan membawa keluarga Rini pergi. Setahun kemudian, keluarga Rini telah menetap di rusun dan mereka dihampiri seorang ibu tetangga (Asmara Abigail) yang memberikan mereka rantang makanan. Sang tetangga pun kembali ke rumahnya dan berbincang ke Batara (Fachry Albar), dan terungkaplah bahwa ia adalah Darminah (antagonis utama di film orisinil).
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Oskar, a meek 12-year-old boy, resides with his mother Yvonne in the western Stockholm suburb of Blackeberg in 1981 and occasionally visits his father Erik in the countryside. One such visit to his father, when Oskar and Erik are enjoying a cosy night playing games, a drunken neighbour arrives, and Erik starts to drink heavily with him, breaking up the father/son evening.
Oskar's classmates regularly bully him, and he spends his evenings imagining revenge, collecting clippings from newspapers and magazines about grisly murders. One night he meets Eli, who appears to be a pale girl of his age. Eli has recently moved into the next-door apartment with an older man, Håkan. Eli initially informs Oskar that they cannot be friends. Over time, however, they begin to form a close relationship, with Oskar lending his Rubik's Cube to Eli, and the two exchanging Morse code messages through their adjoining wall. Håkan requests that Eli stop seeing Oskar. After questioning Oskar about a cut on his cheek, Eli learns that the boy is being bullied by schoolmates and encourages him to stand up for himself. This inspires Oskar to enroll for weight-training classes after school.
Earlier, Håkan stops and kills a passerby on a busy footpath near a main road to harvest fresh blood for Eli, but he fails to return with any when he is interrupted by an approaching dog walker. Eli is prompted to waylay and kill a local man, Jocke, making his way home from a bar after having said goodnight to his best friend, Lacke. A local cat-loving recluse, Gösta, witnesses the attack from his flat. He does not believe what he has seen and decides not to report the incident. Håkan hides Jocke's body in an ice-hole in the local lake. Håkan later makes another well-prepared but incompetently executed effort to obtain blood for Eli by trapping a teenage boy in a changing room after school. The boy's friends are waiting for him to emerge, and go to see what is holding him up. Before he is discovered, Håkan pours concentrated hydrochloric acid onto his own face, disfiguring it to prevent the authorities from identifying him and tracing Eli. Eli learns that Håkan has been taken to the hospital and scales the building to access his restricted room. Håkan opens the window for Eli and offers his neck to her for feeding; after she has fed, Håkan falls out of the window onto the snow and dies. Now alone, Eli goes to Oskar's apartment and spends the night with him, during which time they agree to "go steady". While Eli states, "I'm not a girl", Oskar (ambiguously) either ignores this or accepts the unclear nature of the relationship.
During an ice skating field trip at the lake, some of Oskar's fellow students discover Jocke's body. At the same time, Oskar finally stands up to his tormentors and strikes the leader of the bullies, Conny, on the side of the head with a pole, splitting his ear. Some time later, Oskar shows Eli a private place he knows. Unaware that Eli is a vampire, Oskar suggests that they form a blood bond, and cuts his hand, asking Eli to do the same. Eli, thirsting for blood but not wanting to harm Oskar, laps up his spilled blood before running away. Lacke's girlfriend, Virginia, is subsequently attacked by Eli. Lacke turns up in time to interrupt the attack. Virginia survives, but soon discovers that she has become painfully sensitive to sunlight. Seeking Lacke, Virginia visits Gösta, only to be fiercely attacked by Gösta's cats. In the hospital, Virginia, who has realized what she has become, asks an orderly to open the blinds in her room. When the sunlight streams in, she bursts into flames.
On realizing Eli's true nature, Oskar confronts Eli, who admits to being a vampire. Oskar is initially upset by Eli's need to kill people for survival. However, Eli insists that their bloodthirsty natures are alike, in that Oskar wants to kill and Eli needs to kill, and encourages Oskar to "be me, for a little while."
Lacke, who has lost everything because of Eli, tracks Eli down to the closed-off apartment. Breaking in, he discovers Eli asleep in the bathtub. He prepares to kill her, but Oskar, who was hiding inside the apartment, interferes; Eli immediately wakes up, jumps on Lacke and kills him, feeding on his blood. Eli thanks Oskar and kisses him in gratitude. However, an upstairs neighbor is angrily knocking on the ceiling due to the disturbance the fight has caused. Eli realizes that it is no longer safe to stay and leaves the same night.
The next morning, Oskar receives a phone call from Conny's friend, Martin, who lures Oskar out to resume the after-school fitness program at the local swimming pool. The bullies, led by Conny and his sadistic older brother Jimmy, start a fire to draw Mr Ávila, the teacher in charge, outside, and enter the pool area, ordering the other children to clear out. This leaves Oskar trapped alone in the pool. Jimmy forces Oskar under the water, threatening to stab his eye out if he does not hold his breath for three minutes. While Oskar is being held underwater, Eli arrives and rescues him by killing and dismembering the bullies, except for the most reluctant of their number, Andreas, who is left sobbing on a bench.
Later, Oskar is traveling on a train with Eli in a box beside him, safe from sunlight. From inside, Eli taps the word "kiss" to Oskar in Morse code, to which he taps back "puss" (small kiss in Swedish).
B & B ( 2017 )
Marc and Fred went to war when they were refused a double bed at a remote Christian guest house. They won in court and now they're back to claim their conjugal rights. Triumph turns to terror when another guest arrives, who they think might have something sinister in mind. Their weekend of fun turns into a bloody battle for survival in this smart, brutally funny and dark thriller.
Tuesday, 24 October 2017
618.60MB , MP4 , 720P , HD , OPENLOAD
A botched Christmas Eve robbery leads down a destructive path for a police officer reconnecting with his estranged mother, a coming-apart-at-the-seams amateur photographer, his vindictive ...
Monday, 23 October 2017
CREEP 2 ( 2017 )
Sara is a video artist whose primary focus is creating intimacy with lonely men she finds on Craigslist. After finding an ad online for "video work," she drives to a remote house in the forest and meets a filmmaker claiming to be a serial killer. Unable to resist the chance to create a truly shocking piece of art, she agrees to spend the day with him, but then realizes she may have dug herself into a hole she can't escape.
Sunday, 22 October 2017
Theresa "Tree" Gelbman wakes up on her birthday on Monday, September 18th in the dorm room of classmate Carter Davis after a drunken romp the previous evening. Tree goes through the day being self-centred, dismissive and condescending to her fellow classmates and previous hook-ups, ignoring her father's invite to a restaurant, throwing away a birthday cupcake given to her by her roommate Lori, and having an affair with her professor Gregory Butler. That night, while going to a party, Tree is lured into a tunnel where she is murdered by a hooded figure wearing a mask of the campus mascot.
Tree wakes up the next morning back in Carter's bed with the previous day's events repeating. Unnerved, she relives the day and avoids the tunnel, instead returning to her sorority house for a surprise party. However, while hooking up with her classmate Nick, the masked killer murders him before killing Tree once more. Tree realizes she's in a time loop and tries to avoid her death by barricading herself in her room. However she is murdered again when the killer hides in her bathroom.
During the next loop, she relays her story to Carter, who suggests that she take advantage of the loop in order to figure out who her killer is. She spends the next loops trailing several suspected classmates, all of which end in her murder as she is stalking the current suspect.
On the next loop after being bludgeoned by a baseball bat from her previous death, Tree passes out shortly after waking up. She awakens in the hospital where she learns she has retained damage from her other murders and is growing weaker. Tree escapes the hospital room only to be chased by her killer until she manages to flee in her car. While driving, she is pulled over by a police officer and volunteers to be arrested in order to be spared. However the killer runs down the officer and sets her car on fire, burning Tree to death and sending her through another loop.
Waking up in Carter's bed again, Tree convinces Carter of her predicament by showing that she holds knowledge of the day's events. Tree admits to Carter she doesn't like who she's become; she's also grown distant from her father ever since her mother passed away three years ago and that they had shared the same birthday. Tree catches a local news report on John Tombs, a serial killer who is being held in the hospital on her campus. Believing that Tombs is her killer, Tree rushes to the hospital to warn of his escape. Tombs breaks free and is about to kill Tree but is saved by Carter. Unfortunately, Carter has his neck snapped by Tombs before he chases Tree to the bell tower where she manages to subdue him with a crowbar. Realizing that Carter will remain dead if she doesn't restart the loop, Tree hangs herself from the tower.
During the next loop, Tree goes around righting the various wrongs she has caused, ending her affair with Dr. Butler, finally meeting with her dad to resolve her inner grief, and resolving to be a kinder person. That night, she prepares to stop Tombs. He manages to get the upper hand on her until Tree utilizes a campus-wide blackout that occurs during her loops to disarm him and shoot him to death. Relieved to finally be free, she celebrates her birthday in Carter's room and eats the cupcake given to her by Lori.
However, the next morning Tree wakes up again on her birthday. Confused and distraught over the fact that killing Tombs didn't stop the time loops, Tree returns to her room in order to run away, where Lori offers the cupcake again. Tree realizes that she had died in her sleep, and also notes that this was the only time she had ever eaten the cupcake. Tree realizes Lori is the true killer; Lori had poisoned the cupcake, but when Tree didn't eat it, she utilized her job in the hospital to frame Tombs for Tree's murder. Lori confesses she was jealous that Dr. Butler had shown interest in Tree over her before the two fight. Tree manages to stuff the cupcake into Lori's mouth before kicking her out the window, sending her falling to her death.
Tree and Carter muse over the day's events back in the restaurant, and he offers her his room for the night, also commenting her situation is a lot like the film Groundhog Day. Tree wakes up the next day believing to be in another loop, however it turns out to be a prank by Carter and the two share a kiss.
Friday, 20 October 2017
When former LAPD Officer, Brett Irlam takes a job as head of security at an old apartment building in Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, he soon begins to experience a series of bizarre and terrifying events. Once he begins to delve deep into the building's sinister history, and investigate its shadowy owners and past employees, Brett soon uncovers a malevolent force nestled deep in the bowels of the building in basement that will do anything to be set free into our world.
ARRIVAL ( 2016 )
852.63MB , 720P , BLURAY , OPENLOAD
507.58MB , BLURAY , 1080P , OPENLOAD
An introductory sequence shows linguist Louise Banks's daughter Hannah, who dies in early adulthood from an incurable illness.
Twelve extraterrestrial spacecraft appear at twelve locations across Earth. A U.S. Army officer, Colonel Weber, recruits Louise and physicist Ian Donnelly to find out why they have come. He takes them to an army encampment in Montana near one of the craft. On board, Louise and Ian make contact with two seven-limbed aliens, whom they call "heptapods"; Ian nicknames them Abbott and Costello. Louise and Ian begin researching their written language of complicated circular symbols. As Louise studies the language, she starts to have visions of her daughter Hannah.
When Louise is able to ask why the aliens have come, they answer "offer weapon". However, China translates this as "use weapon", prompting them to break off communications, and other nations follow. Louise argues that the symbol interpreted as "weapon" might mean "tool", and that China's translation results from the competitive nature of their interaction with the aliens.
Rogue soldiers plant a bomb in the craft. Unaware, Louise and Ian re-enter, and the aliens give them an extremely complex message. Just before the bomb explodes, one of the aliens ejects Ian and Louise from the craft, knocking them unconscious. When they reawaken, the military is preparing to evacuate, and the craft has moved out of reach. Ian discovers that the symbol for time is present throughout the message, and that the writing occupies exactly one-twelfth of the space in which it is projected. Louise suggests that the full message is split among the twelve craft and that the aliens want all the nations to share what they learn.
China's General Shang issues an ultimatum to the aliens, demanding that they leave within 24 hours; Russia, Pakistan, and Sudan follow suit. Louise goes alone to the craft and it sends down a shuttle to transport her inside. The alien explains that they have come to help humanity, for in 3,000 years they will need humanity's help in return, and the "weapon" is their language, which opens time to allow the future to be foreseen. Louise's visions of her daughter are premonitions.
Louise returns to the camp as it is being evacuated, and tells Ian that the alien language is the "weapon"; those who master it are able to perceive the future and past. She has a premonition of a United Nations event, in which Shang thanks her for having convinced him to call off the attack by calling his private number and reciting his wife's dying words. In the present, Louise steals a satellite phone, calls the number, and recites the words. The Chinese announce they are standing down and release their twelfth of the message. The other countries follow suit, and the craft disappear.
During the evacuation of the camp, Ian expresses his love for Louise. They talk about life choices and whether he would change them if he could see the future. Louise knows that she will agree to have a child with him despite knowing their fate: that Hannah will die, and Ian will leave them after she reveals that she knew this.
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The film follows the life of Jennifer Hills, continuing her story from I Spit on Your Grave. After Jennifer survived her assault and exacted revenge on the men who raped her, she avoided conviction for her killing spree and settled in Los Angeles. She's no longer an aspiring writer and now devotes herself between working as an assault hotline operator and going to group counseling under the assumed name Angela Jitrenka. She is also periodically shown attending personal therapy for her ordeal. Jennifer's scarring experience has left her highly distrustful and defensive towards most men, including her colleague Matthew who has a seemingly genuine interest in her.
While in group counseling, Jennifer develops a bond with one of the girls in the group, Marla, who also doesn't trust men. The duo began their own personal crusade, by exacting poetic justice for victims of sexual assault. However, just as Jennifer begins to enjoy life, Marla dies under mysterious circumstances and no one is found guilty of her death. She becomes acquainted with Detective McDylan, an investigator to Marla's death, who however fails to bring justice for Marla nor closure for Jennifer. Distraught and enraged at how the law couldn't help Marla nor the rape victims in her support group, she decides to get revenge for them.
One by one, Jennifer stalks and lures the unpunished rapists to a private place to torture and kill them. Her first victim is Marla's estranged boyfriend and alleged murderer, soon followed by the stepfather of a teenage member of the group. After befriending Oscar, the only male member of the support group who lost his daughter to suicide after a sexual assault, Jennifer tracks down his daughter's rapist. The man manages to overpower her as she tries to attack him, until he is shot dead by the police, whose attention Jennifer had been drawing through her actions. The police take Jennifer in for questioning, revealing their knowledge of her real identity in an attempt to obtain a confession. However Oscar, who had grown sympathetic to Jennifer's cause, walks into the police station after slashing his own arms, and publicly admits to the murders before dying from his wounds.
No longer the prime suspect, Jennifer is released but stays under police watch as a person of interest. She has a nervous breakdown, becoming further disillusioned with society and no longer able to discern well-meaning men from sexual predators. Clad in a suggestive red dress in order to bait men, Jennifer leaves her home evading police watch. First she unsuccessfully attacks Matthew and scares him away, then she tries to lure a local thug who had been harassing her. As Jennifer is about to kill him, she is shot and arrested by McDylan, who had been trailing her the whole time.
It is now revealed Jennifer's personal therapy sessions were part of her mandatory treatment following a two-year sentence for attempted murder, lacking evidence of the murders she actually committed. After completing the final session before her release, Jennifer leaves the doctor's office and switches the "therapist" sign on the door to read "the rapist". She then runs into two inmates and imagines killing both as well as her therapist, revealing that her fantasies of killing are not over and have extended beyond the motive of avenging rape victims.
Missouri-born Katie Carter (Dallender) is an aspiring young model working part-time as a waitress in a New York City restaurant to make ends meet. Desperate to update her modeling portfolio, she answers an advertisement offering a free photography session. She then meets three Bulgarian brothers, photographer Ivan (Absolom) and his assistants Nikolai, known as "Nicky" (Aleksiev), and Georgy (Baharov), who becomes infatuated with Katie. She leaves the photo shoot after disagreeing with Ivan about a topless shot. Georgy later arrives at Katie's apartment and apologizes regarding the incident. Katie accepts his apology and is given a flash drive containing her photos. Before leaving, Georgy states that she can keep the pictures for her privacy, upload, or use the photos as she chooses.
Later that night, Katie wakes up to find Georgy filming her and shoots him with an electroshock gun. Although Katie tries to escape, Georgy binds and gags her. Katie's neighbor, Jayson, upon hearing Katie's screams, arrives and tries to stop the assault but Georgy stabs and kills him. Georgy then proceeds to rape and sodomize Katie as she watches Jayson's lifeless body on the floor. After reaching an orgasm, Georgy panics and calls both his brothers. Nikolai and Ivan later arrive and clean up all evidence of the crime. Ivan then force-feeds Katie ketamine, rendering her unconscious.
Katie wakes and finds herself naked and handcuffed to a pipe in an old basement. Ivan tells Nicky to feed her more Ketamine, but as they walk out of the basement, she forcefully vomits the drug out. Pretending to be drugged, she overpowers Georgy by hitting him with a nearby metal bucket while he attempts to redress. Katie escapes, but discovers that she is now in an unknown city. When she approaches Bulgarian police, she is taken into safe custody by Detective Kiril (Zlaterev), who informs her that she has been abducted to Bulgaria.
After an interview, in which Katie had to repetitively demand her to be sent to the U.S Embassy, Detective Kiril hands her over to Ana (Stockley), who claims to be from a rape crisis center but is really Nikolai and Georgy's mother. Katie is returned to the basement and Valko (Silverleaf), a friend of the family's father, electroshocks her genitals then brutally rapes her, leaving her bloodied. Ivan then beats her continuously.
Katie is then placed in a box with her crucifix necklace and Valko's electroshock gun and buried alive. The ground beneath the makeshift coffin caves into the sewer system below. Naked and hungry, Katie steals from a nearby church and is soon caught by priest Father Dimov (Pelka), who recognizes her as a rape survivor. He gives her food, clothing, and a Bible. Katie approaches the U.S. Embassy, but turns around instead. Back at the church, Dimov offers support. As Katie goes back to the sewers, she leaves her Bible open for Dimov to read. After reading the passage "vengeance is mine", Dimov realizes that Katie seeks revenge against her rapists.
Katie first steals money from Ana's house and buys clothes, weapons, and supplies. She lures Georgy into the sewers, captures him and hangs him by his arms on the wall. She tortures him with a large switchblade and smears fecal matter into his wounds to cause infection, then leaves him to a slow and painful death. Meanwhile, Dimov has contacted Detective Kiril, who realizes that Katie is still in trouble. Both men aim to stop Katie from committing crimes to her rapists and to persuade her that she would have legal justice.
At a nightclub, Katie laces Nikolai's drink with ecstasy. He runs to the bathroom where she drowns him in an unflushed toilet full of feces. The next day, Valko sees Katie during a church service and chases after her into the sewers where Katie strikes him with a rock. When he regains consciousness, he is strapped to a metal bed frame. Katie electroshocks his genitals with a stun stick just as how he did with her, puts a large plumber's snake into his mouth, turns it on and it snakes its way down into his throat. She then attaches electrical cables to the bed and rooter and electrocutes him.
Ana finds her house has been burgled. Later, Katie pushes Ana into the sewers and binds her in a box and forces her to watch Georgy die. Ivan realizes that Katie has escaped; she captures him, ties him to a table and tortures him by crushing his testicles. Kiril hears Ivan and Ana's screams and follows them to the sewers. During the torture, Ivan reveals that Ana is his stepmother, who herself was raped by her future husband, Ivan's father. Nikolai and Georgy were products of Ana's rapes. Katie understands Ana's sadistic nature and begins to torture Ana and Ivan, but at that moment Kiril arrives and holds his gun up to Katie. Ivan grabs and begins to strangle Katie, but Kiril shoots Ivan in the head, allowing Katie to escape. Ana, the sole survivor is arrested by Kiril for her part in her family's crimes. Katie arrives at the U.S. Embassy and the film ends.
Thursday, 19 October 2017
JUNGLE ( 2017 )
Yossi Ghinsberg journeys into the heart of the Amazon rainforest with four other travelers. Beginning as an ordinary trip in the jungle, Ghinsberg partakes in a fight for survival after a terrible accident, being forced to survive for weeks on his own. Without a knife, map or any kind of survival training, he must improvise shelter and forage to survive. Ghinsberg begins to give up hope after losing all sense of direction, wondering if he will ever survive the jungle.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Kishen Mohan Girhotra (Farhan Akhtar) is a young man who belongs to Moradabad, a city in Uttar Pradesh. One fateful day, Kishen gets accused of murder which lands him in Lucknow Central Jail where he’s awaiting his High Court trial for a death penalty. Meanwhile, a diligent NGO worker Gayatri Kashyap (Diana Penty), is compelled to form a Band of Prisoners for the band competition which is to be held in the dreaded jail of ‘Lucknow Central’ that year and this is how Kishen’s and her paths cross. Kishen befriends four other inmates, namely Dikkat Ansari, Victor Chattopahdyay, Purushottam Pandit, Parminder Trehan and convinces them to join the band.
The dramatic narrative of Lucknow Central portrays how Kishen’s life progresses in jail and how music becomes an intricate part of not only his journey, but the rest of the band’s as well.
A medical student, Courtney (Ellen Page), is obsessed with the idea of the afterlife, wanting to find out what happens after death. She invites Jamie (James Norton) to join her in an experiment: using defibrillation to stop her heart for sixty seconds whilst recording her brain, and then reviving her. Sophia (Kiersey Clemons) is against this, but Jamie does it anyway. After sixty seconds, they panic as they are unable to revive her, but eventually manage to with the help of Ray (Diego Luna).
Initially Courtney experiences increased intelligence and euphoria, being suddenly able to play the piano and answer questions in class perfectly. Envious, Jamie, Sophia and Marlo (Nina Dobrev) follow suit and flatline, for an increasing number of minutes. They experience similar positive results as Courtney.
It soon turns into a living horror as those who flatlined find themselves haunted by visions: Courtney is haunted by her dead sister Tessa, from a car crash she caused because she was using her phone. Jamie, by the baby of his ex-girlfriend he got pregnant and begged into getting an abortion. Marlo by a man named Cyrus (who was stung by jellyfish) whom she killed when she unintentionally mixed up his medication, and Sophia by a girl named Irina whose life she ruined out of jealousy by hacking her phone and sending out her nudes to make sure she was valedictorian. They realise there is a downside to flatlining. Courtney feels guilty for the consequences and admits that her interest in flatlining was due to the death of her sister, not for scientific discovery.
Ray, the only one who didn't flatline, initially disbelieves what's happening. He tells everyone to stop the experiment immediately. The hauntings get more and more intense; with Courtney being chased by visions of her dead sister and pushed to her death from a roof. Marlo is suffocated while driving and crashes her car. Jamie is stabbed in the hand by his vision. They soon come to a conclusion that the hauntings they're experiencing are their hallucinations because of their guilt from their past sins.
The group takes action to stop the hallucinations by fixing their past mistakes. Sophia visits Irina to apologize to which Irina accepts. Jamie visits his ex-girlfriend and discovers she didn't get an abortion, but kept the baby, to whom he apologizes and promises to provide for his son. Later, Ray and Marlo get into a fight when Ray finds out Marlo covered up the real reason how Cyrus died. Tired of being haunted by her hallucinations, Marlo flatlines on her own in the hope of killing herself because she won't fix her mistake. Ray, Sophia, and Jamie rush to stop her to and are successful. In the end, Marlo, Ray, Sophia, and Jamie reminisce about Courtney and celebrate their friendships in the little restaurant they hang out at.
Friday, 13 October 2017
TALON FALLS ( 2017 )
Four teenagers on a road trip decide to take a detour and find them selves at at haunted house halloween scream park deep in the woods of southern Kentucky. After witnessing an assortment of torture and gore. they start wondering if what they are experiencing is not a little too realistic. Before they know it each one of hem is captured and made part of the horrific attraction they originally thought was all fun and games.Thursday, 12 October 2017
STAKE LAND ( 2010 )
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When a pandemic of vampirism strikes, humans find themselves on the run from vicious, feral beasts. Large cities are left as tombs and survivors cling together in rural pockets, fearing nightfall. When his family is slaughtered, young Martin (Paolo) is taken under the wing of a grizzled, wayward vampire hunter, called Mister (Damici).
Mister takes Martin on a journey through the locked-down towns of America's heartland, searching for a better place in the famed 'New Eden', up north, while taking down any bloodsuckers that cross their path. Along the way, they are joined by fellow travellers, the first being a nun known only as Sister (McGillis), whom they rescue from two young rapists whom Mister kills without hesitation. They continue to move north, avoiding major thoroughfares that have been seized by The Brotherhood, a fundamentalist militia headed by such fanatics as Jebedia Loven (Michael Cerveris), who interprets the plague as God's will at work.
The group is then captured by The Brotherhood and it is revealed that one of the rapists killed by Mister was Loven's son. As punishment, Mister is left at the mercy of a group of vampires, while Sister is taken as a sex slave and Martin will be kept as a forced convert to the Brotherhood. Martin promptly escapes the Brotherhood camp and discovers that Mister has survived the vampire attack and they drive off together, unable to help Sister.
Coming across a survivors' roadhouse, they pick up another traveler, the pregnant Belle (Harris), who hopes to make it to New Eden to have her child. Later, they also pick up Willie (Sean Nelson), a former Marine, who is found hiding in a workmen's toilet having been abandoned as vampire bait by The Brotherhood. Willie informs the group that American military forces were withdrawn from the Middle East to help contain the outbreak, and that there is no Middle East to fight over anymore, as it is completely overrun by vampires. He goes on to say that The Brotherhood was partially responsible for the fall of America, ramming cars filled with vampires through blockades and crashing airplanes filled with vampires into cities. Overwhelmed as the plague spread across the U.S., the Armed Forces collapsed and no longer exist. The four decide to go after Jebedia, whom they successfully ambush, then tie to a tree and leave for the vampires.
The group next encounters a survivors' settlement and discover that Sister also escaped. The same night, celebrations are interrupted when The Brotherhood, using helicopters, drops vampires into town, killing many residents. Though invited to stay and help rebuild the settlement, the group decides to move on towards the north again.
Midway, their car breaks down and they have to continue their journey on foot. They manage to avoid dangerous areas for some time but, while sleeping at an abandoned auto junk yard, they are attacked by 'berserkers', the oldest and strongest kind of vampire. They run into a corn field, and Sister diverts the chase away from the others, then shoots herself in the head when overrun.
After several days of walking through the wilderness, they take shelter in a broken-down school bus turned camper and notice in the morning that Willie is missing. The three search for him, first finding his blanket then finding Willie killed and strung up in a tree. Mister notes he has never encountered a thinking vampire before and warns the others to stay alert. Despite their best efforts, Belle is taken from their campsite during the night and Mister and Martin find her in an abandoned silo the following day, wrapped in barbed wire and bitten. Jebedia Loven, now a thinking vampire thanks to having given himself willingly to the vampires that attacked him, reveals himself and attacks Martin and then Mister. Martin manages to impale Jebedia, and an injured Mister is successful in finishing him off. Martin mercy kills the dying Belle, saving her from becoming a vampire.
The duo then heads north again, acquiring a pickup truck, and they meet Peggy, who lives alone in an abandoned restaurant and who picks off approaching vampires using a crossbow. Martin and Peggy have an instant connection, and Martin easily attacks and kills a vamp outside the restaurant that night, with Mister covertly looking on. The next day, Mister is gone and Martin finds his mentor's skull pendant hanging from the truck's mirror. He and Peggy head off by themselves, finally arriving at the border to Canada, or the New Eden for which they were searching.
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